Partner Spotlight with Jujotech: Jujotech offers hands-free remote assist with Skype for Business on RealWear HMT-1

Jujotech enables and connects the mobile workforce by providing industry-leading integrated solutions such as Fusion Remote. It’s fully interoperable with Skype for Business. FusionRemote primary use cases are as follows:

  • Remote expert multicast
  • Service support with annotation and file sharing
  • Knowledge base creation resulting in 75% training cost reduction
  • Safety
  • Factory or Remote installations virtual visits

Fusion Remote enables Microsoft infrastructure customers who require industry-leading remote assist (and other developing applications) to leverage their Skype for Business licensing investment via full Fusion Remote integration.

“We’re proud to be a launch partner of RealWear Foresight and glad to be on the app catalog. We’re eager to enhance our solutions for use in the HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 environments. The secure RealWear Foresight zero-touch deployment capability combined with immediate app installation will optimize the user experience to the mutual benefit of all parties.” – Rafael E. Gutierrez, CEO, Jujotech

Fusion Remote is offered as a SaaS model and pricing for Fusion Remote is the most cost-effective solution in the market today. To purchase the solution you could contact us directly or use one of our channel partners.

About Jujotech

Jujotech creates industrial software powered by AR (augmented reality) and AI (artificial intelligence).

By deploying Jujotech’s industrial software with mobile devices such as select smartphones, tablets and smart headsets, customers can achieve increased productivity and operational efficiency, reduced downtime and enhanced problem-solving effectiveness.

Travel expenses are often significantly reduced, resulting in rapid return on investment.

The company is based in Boulder Colorado and offers its products worldwide.

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